Media Law and Policy Job Openings


Loyola University Chicago Chicago, IL Oct, 23
Social Media Collective at Microsoft Research New England Cambridge, MA Oct, 07
Stanford University Palo Alto, CA Oct, 07
Emerson College Boston, MA Sep, 25
Arizona State University Phoenix, AZ Sep, 16
Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto Toronto, Canada Aug, 27
The Brookings Institution Washington, D.C. Aug, 27
Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto Toronto, Canada Aug, 27
Northern Kentucky University Highland Heights, KY Aug, 12
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Yuseong-gu, Republic of Korea Jan, 14
Cornell University Ithaca, NY Nov, 07
University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA Oct, 15
University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA Jul, 10
Northeastern University School of Journalism Boston, MA Dec, 17
California State University Northridge Northridge, CA Nov, 10

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