For Students

  • DuarteDelaneyWoolery-Supreme-CourtUNC dual degree students Natasha Duarte, Kevin Delaney, and PhD student Liz Woolery take on First Amendment, privacy and policy issues during their summer in D.C.

  • hoefgesProfessor Michael Hoefges teaching media law at the School of Media and Journalism.

At the University of North Carolina, you can pursue unique academic opportunities to study journalism, media policy, and law, and examine how these three areas intersect.  Students may select from a wide range of courses related to media law and media policy and can gain practical experience addressing issues that will be at the center of major legal and policy debates now and in the years to come. Students enrolled at the UNC School of Law and UNC School of Media and Journalism may specialize in media law, and a dual M.A./J.D. degree program is offered in connection with the center.  Check out these links for more information on what YOU can do at UNC: