Date(s) - 04/12/2013
12:00 pm - 1:15 pm
Halls of Fame Room
On April 12, 2013, the Center will host an “interdisciplinary lunch” open to faculty and graduate students from across the UNC system. The topic will be “Privacy by Design.”
Within organizations, the management of privacy often is addressed through the lens of regulatory compliance. For this reason, privacy is often confused with security or treated as a set of static compliance practices. In recent years, the mainstreaming of ubiquitous social technologies, the widespread adoption of behavioral tracking and targeting, and the turn toward “Big Data” informatics have illustrated the challenges with and failings of a compliance-based approach to privacy within organizations.
The Privacy by Design movement has sought to address these failings by advocating a strong, centrally embedded role for privacy within organizations. Embraced by both the Federal Trade Commission and EU Data Protection authorities, Privacy by Design is viewed as a potential information-age remedy to increasingly complex technological privacy threats. By designing for privacy, it is argued, organizations are able to maintain regulatory compliance, provide a positive experience for users, and advance competitively in a marketplace that values privacy. While the Privacy by Design approach has been embraced by regulators, questions about the efficacy, feasibility, and organizational incentives of this approach persist. In this interdisciplinary lunch discussion, we will explore the pros and cons of this novel approach to protecting privacy.
This lunch discussion will be led by Dr. Fred Stutzman, a visiting professor in the UNC School of Information and Library Science (SILS), software developer, and entrepreneur. It is part of a series of gatherings of faculty and graduate students from across UNC-CH that the Center hosts to discuss the challenges and opportunities posed by new communication technologies, including social media, mobile platforms, and the Internet, and the impact they are having on governments, the economy, and cultural and social values throughout the world.
April’s lunch discussion will be held from noon. to 1:15 p.m. on Friday, April 12, 2013, in the Halls of Fame Room on the first floor of Carroll Hall. We will provide box lunches and drinks.
Background Readings
To help guide the discussion, we have selected several optional background articles on the topic:
- Cavoukian, A. (2009). Privacy by Design. Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Canada.
- Federal Trade Commission. Protecting consumer privacy in an era of rapid change: Recommendations for businesses and policymakers. (2012). [Section IV.B]
- Sengupta, S. (2013). Web Privacy Becomes a Business Imperative. New York Times, March 3 2013.
- Tsukayama, H. (2013). FTC, Path settlement shows online privacy goes beyond the policy. Washington Post, February 1, 2013.
- Rubinstein, I. (2012). Regulating Privacy by Design. Berkeley Technology Law Journal, 26, 1409.
- Mulligan, D. K. and King, J. (2012). Bridging the Gap Between Privacy and Design. U. Pa. J. Const. L., 14, 989.
We plan to use these readings as a jumping off point for the conversation, but we also are eager to discuss how these issues intersect with your work.
We hope that you can make it. Please RSVP to Liz Woolery by April 10, as space will be limited. The Center will provide box lunches and drinks.
Tagged: Interdisciplinary Lunch Series
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