Part-time professorship (0.25) in “Media Law” (W2)

Fachhochschule Potsdam
November 10, 2014
Potsdam, Germany
Job Type


The Faculty of Design is seeking to fill the following post for the summer semester 2015: Part-time professorship (0.25) in "Media Law" (W2). Reference number: 115/2014.

The employment relationship will initially be limited to five years. The role comprises teaching activities amounting to five semester hours per week for the courses in Design and in European Media Studies in the Faculty of Design at Potsdam University of Applied Sciences. The aim of the professorship is to introduce students to current legal issues and questions from the design and media industries in respect of the professional practice of communication designers, product designers, interface designers and media practitioners. Some teaching should be carried out in the form of projects with industry partners. Supervising final dissertations is also part of the range of activities in this post.

The focus of the professorship lies in the areas of German and European media and design law in the cultural design context. Teaching subjects will include national and international copyright law, broadcasting legislation, design and trademark protection law plus copyright contract law in the European context, as well as questions relating to financial support for audiovisual productions and internet-based business models.

The post holder should be in a position to deliver lectures or seminars in the English language. In addition, particular knowledge of digital media issues and practical experience of media economics are desirable.

The conditions of employment and the contractual relationship are contained in § 41 and § 54 (especially para. 1) of the Brandenburg Universities Act (BbgHG). It may be possible to offer the post holder a limited or unlimited extension to his or her position subject to the availability of budgetary means, a positive evaluation and continuing incorporation in the development and staff planning of the University without the post being re-advertised.

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