NYU Information Law Institute Fellowships

The Information Law Institute at NYU
January 13, 2015
New York, NY
Job Type


The Information Law Institute at NYU is accepting applications for research fellowships in the area of information law and policy to begin in Fall 2015.  The initial fellowship term is for one year, with the possibility of renewal for a second year.  Applicants should hold law degrees or Ph.D.s in relevant fields.   We will give preference to applicants with demonstrated expertise or interest in ILI focus areas, including privacy, information ethics and politics, and cybersecurity.


Fellows are expected to devote time to their own research, to collaborative projects, and to planning ILI events.  Teaching in the Department of Media, Culture, and Communication may be an option, depending on availability and interest. Collaborative projects, which may be supervised by Helen Nissenbaum (ILI Director and Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication), Katherine Strandburg (Professor of Law), or Ira Rubinstein (ILI Senior Fellow) will be on topics of mutual interest to fellow and supervisor, with two particular areas of focus for 2015-16: i) privacy in the context of media use and engagement and ii) developing normatively defensible and legally implementable alternatives for regulating access to and use of information in the hands of third party intermediaries.


Fellows are expected to reside in the New York area and to participate in Information Law Institute activities, including the multidisciplinary Privacy Research Group. They also have ample opportunity to interact with other faculty in the School of Law and other departments at NYU, and to take part in the intellectual life of the university.  For further information about the ILI and the Privacy Research Group, see http://www.law.nyu.edu/ centers/ili/index.htm.


Applications should be sent by email to ILI administrator Nicole Arzt, nicole.arzt@nyu.edu, and should include:  a CV, copies of 2 relevant publications or writing samples, a transcript of graduate work (unofficial is acceptable), the names and contact information of three references, and a cover letter summarizing the candidate’s relevant background and accomplishments and outlining his or her perceived fit with the ILI.  We will begin reviewing applications on February 15 and continue until the positions are filled.


** NYU is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer **

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