Law and Public Affairs Fellowship (2019-2020 Academic Year) – Princeton

Princeton University
September 18, 2018
Princeton, New Jersey
Job Type



The Program in Law and Public Affairs (LAPA) at Princeton University invites outstanding faculty members of any discipline, independent scholars, lawyers, and judges to apply for residential fellowships for the academic year 2019-2020.  LAPA Fellows devote the major portion of their time to their own research and writing on law-related subjects of empirical, interpretive, doctrinal and/or normative significance.  In addition, LAPA Fellows are expected to be in residence for ten months and participate in LAPA programs, including a biweekly seminar, a weekly luncheon discussion group, as well as some public events and conferences.  The program does not support, as a primary activity, off-site fieldwork or work in remote archives, development of course materials, work in legal practice, or residence elsewhere.

Fellows may apply to teach one course in Princeton’s graduate or undergraduate programs, subject to the needs of the University, sufficient enrollment, approval of the Dean of the Faculty, and the cooperation of the sponsoring academic department.

As a general rule, Fellows receive a research salary of one-half their ten (10) month salary at their home institution, up to a maximum set each year before selection is made. This means that some support will be lower than one half of an actual salary for those at the high end of a salary spectrum. Research salaries are also subject to a minimum amount determined each year. If approved to teach, a Fellow will hold a secondary teaching rank that will be based on the Fellow’s home institution rank and salary rate. Teaching opportunities are not guaranteed.

Fellows may also apply for funding from additional sources so long as the conditions for receipt of the funds do not interfere with the LAPA requirements.


All applicants must have received a doctorate, juris doctor, or an equivalent professional degree at the time of submission of the fellowship application. The selection committee looks particularly closely at the proposal outlining work the applicant proposes to do while in residence at Princeton. Successful LAPA applicants should demonstrate substantial expertise in law-related matters. The committee is composed of Princeton faculty members representing LAPA’s three funding sources, the Woodrow Wilson School for Public and International Affairs, the University Center for Human Values, and the general University. They evaluate applicants on the basis of (1) the quality of their achievements in their field of specialization and their ability to benefit from the activities of the program; (2) the quality and significance of their proposed projects; (3) the future contributions they are likely to make to legal scholarship and practice; and (4) their ability to contribute to intellectual life in legal studies at Princeton. In selecting fellows, the committee may consider how each individual will contribute to the fellows’ cohort as well as to the program.

Application Info:

Fellowship applications must be submitted by 11:59 PM (EST) NOVEMBER 14, 2018.


Candidates can apply online here.

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