General Law Clerk

New Media Rights
January 22, 2015
San Diego, CA
Job Type


Application Deadlines

-- Fall: Applications are accepted: June 1st - July 11th.

-- Spring: Applications are accepted: October 1st- 16th. Please note for this period only, only California Western School of Law students may apply.

-- Summer: Applications are accepted: November 1st- January 31st


Application Instructions:  Please send a resume, cover letter, and writing sample to:


Practice Areas: Public Interest, Internet, Intellectual Property, and Communications law


Job Description: New Media Rights is seeking law students interested in Technology/IP law for its General law clerk position. General law clerks will work on legal research projects answering support requests from our contact form, drafting agreements and contracts, and depending on the time of year, drafting policy comments to the FCC or Copyright Office.


Our work varies broadly depending on the questions the public presents to us each week, and we prefer to "solve problems" rather than attack each issue with a purely legal solution. Therefore, we prefer candidates who (A) want to see a broad spectrum of media and IP law issues, (B) don't have pre-conceived notions as to what a lawyer does/doesn't do and (C) have an interest in working on independent  self-generated projects.


We also prefer candidates with an interest in the arts or technology.


Qualifications: 1Ls who have completed their first year, as well as 2Ls and 3Ls are eligible. Copyright, trademark, licensing, and/or other related classes are also preferred but not required. Please note that only CWSL students may apply for spring internships.



For CWSL students: California Western work study Schedule A payment, Volunteer Pro Bono credit ,or CWSL Clinical Internship credit is available.   During the Spring Trimester only school credit is available through the Internet & Media Law Clinic.


For non-CWSL students: school credit, work study or pro-bono awards may be available through your school for fall or summer.


Hours:   minimum of 12


Employer Contact:
Art Neill
New Media Rights
1855 1st Ave Suite 102
San Diego, CA 92101

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