Fall and Spring Internships, Institute for Free Speech

Institute for Free Speech
September 14, 2020
Washington, District of Columbia
Job Type



The Institute for Free Speech (IFS) seeks fall and spring interns to aid our External Relations, Research, and Communications Departments. Please note that, due to the ongoing pandemic, all internships at this time will be conducted remotely.

Founded by former Federal Election Commission Chairman Bradley A. Smith as a nonprofit, nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization, the Institute for Free Speech (formerly the Center for Competitive Politics) exists to inform the public through litigation, policy analysis, media outreach, and educational activities on the benefits of freedom and dynamism in the area of campaign finance and election law. We promote and defend the First Amendment political rights of speech, press, assembly, and petition and oppose McCain-Feingold style regulation of campaign funding and other restrictions that limit the ability of citizens to participate in the political process and support the candidates and causes of their choice.


Primarily, fall and spring interns at the Institute for Free Speech will aid the External Relations Director and Research Director by:

  • Conducting original research and producing both short-term and long-term research products in the area of campaign finance and political speech regulation
  • Drafting short Issue Analyses on topical campaign finance issues
  • Authoring brief research critiques of publications released by proponents of greater political speech regulation
  • Authoring occasional op-eds critiquing the claims of those who advocate for greater regulation of political speech
  • Blogging regularly on campaign finance and political speech issues with the guidance of an IFS supervisor
  • Watching and attending hearings on Capitol Hill and in state legislatures when necessary
  • Attending relevant policy and networking events at other organizations during office hours and infrequently after close of business
  • Helping out with other projects and administrative tasks, as needed

Fall and spring interns at IFS will also aid the Communications Director and Media Manager by:

  • Helping compile stories for the Institute’s signature daily Media Update
  • Tracking media coverage of the Institute’s issues
  • Updating the Institute’s various distribution lists
  • Updating and maintaining the organization’s website on a daily basis


Qualified candidates should have an interest in political science or election law and in defending the First Amendment. The most qualified candidates will have completed at least two years of undergraduate study.

Prospective interns should also have the following skills and experience:  excellent writing skills, solid analytical ability and Internet research skills, familiarity with Microsoft Office applications including Outlook, Word, and Excel, a detail-oriented personality, strong initiative, demonstrated resourcefulness, and a willingness to take on a variety of assignment types — working both independently and as part of a team. Candidates should be politically aware (though no specific political preference is required).

Full-time interns may receive a stipend, as conditions and professional experience warrant. All interns will receive a full travel stipend via Metro.


Interested applicants can view the posting here.

Qualified candidates should send the following to External Relations Director Matt Nese via e-mail in one combined PDF at mnese@ifs.org:

  • Cover letter indicating interest in the internship and available work dates
  • Current resume
  • Two writing samples reflecting solely the applicant’s own work (preferably about 5 pages in length each)
  • A quantitative research sample, if available (likely via an Excel spreadsheet or an economics or statistics paper)
  • Contact information for at least one professional or character reference
  • An unofficial transcript of all college-level classes

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. A fall start date is flexible, preferably in late August or early September. A spring date is flexible as well, preferably in late January or early February.

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