Assistant Professorship in Cybercrime

Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT)
January 26, 2016
Tilburg, United States
Job Type


With approximately 30 staff members the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society  (TILT) is a multidisciplinary center at Tilburg University specializing in research and education in the field of technology regulation. TILT is one of the largest and most innovative European research centers in technology regulation. It is an independent management unit within Tilburg Law School, a research-led, specialized university that is rated among the best in Europe.

TILT invites applications for an assistant professorship (UD) in the field of cybercrime, broadly defined.

Cybercrime is a broad and fast-moving field. We are looking for legal scholars specialised in cybercrime law, who have solid knowledge of the law (in the books) but also have a broader interest in cybercrime governance. Candidates should have demonstrable knowledge of the international legal framework, in particular the Cybercrime Convention, as well as a solid basis in cybercrime law in one or more national legal systems. They should have a general understanding of the broad field (substantive and procedural law), and preferably a specialisation in one or more sub-fields (e.g., large-scale attacks, content-related crime, investigation powers for digital search and seizure). They must be able to approach cybercrime law in context, i.e., in relation to the broader societal challenges of cyberspace regulation and in relation to how cybercrime is evolving. While the focus is on cybercrime, knowledge of and interest in related aspects of cybersecurity will be considered a plus, for example issues of standardisation (evidence, information security), duties of care, or security breaches; cyberwarfare, however, is outside the scope of this vacancy.

The successful candidate is expected to research, teach, and supervise (post-graduate) students in the field of cybercrime. (S)he is expected to develop new ideas in research and education, and acquire funding (independently or jointly with other colleagues) for future research. These activities should help TILT with the further expansion of its cybercrime research and education and contribute to the rethinking of cybercrime law and policy necessitated by recent technological transformations. Research will both be conceptual and fundamental, as well as applied in the form of studies commissioned by third parties (government, EU, and private parties).

The successful candidate

-- has a PhD in cybercrime law or a related relevant field;
is a specialist in the international cybercrime legal framework, in particular the Cybercrime Convention, and has a solid basis in cybercrime law in one or more national legal systems;
-- has publications commensurate with the stage at which the candidate finds her- or himself in her or his career but which are indicative of a strong ability to publish in the best academic journals;
-- has experience with or is interested in working in an interdisciplinary environment (affinity and experience should be evident from the candidate’s education or past performance in teaching, research or publications)
-- a ‘BKO qualification’ (for those applicants currently working at a Dutch University) is considered as an advantage
-- has perfect command of English. Knowledge of Dutch or willingness to learn within a reasonable period of time may be one of the conditions for tenure in the medium run.

Employment terms and conditions

Tilburg University is rated among the top of Dutch employers and has excellent terms of employment. The selected candidate will be assigned a position that is in accordance with her/his previous education and experience. (S)he will initially be appointed for a fixed period 5 years. For candidates who have a PhD degree, tenure and promotion to Associate Professor (universitair hoofddocent) may follow during or after this period upon additional positive evaluation. The fixed period of the appointment will not exceed the duration of five years. Depending on the candidate’s experience and development the periods preceding the evaluations, promotion to associate professor and tenure can be abridged. Selected candidates will be ranked in the Dutch university employment system (UFO). Depending on the candidates’ experience, the starting gross salary will vary between € 3.400,- and € 4.654,- per month (for a full-time Assistant Professorship appointment) based on scale 11 of the Collective Labour Agreement (CAO) Dutch Universities.

The application must include:

-- a curriculum vitae;
-- a motivation letter;
-- a list of publications, and a copy of the three best or most relevant publications of the applicant;
-- a statement of current and future research plans of no more than 3,000 words;
-- a record of projects for which you applied for grants;
-- the names and addresses of three referees. Referees will be contacted for shortlisted candidates only.

Applying for this vacancy can only be done online. Your application must be submitted before February 15, 2016.

Specific information about the vacancy can be obtained from Prof.dr. Bert-Jaap Koops by e-mail:

Tilburg University is an equal opportunity employer. Female candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.

Tilburg Law School

Tilburg Law School (TLS) is a modern and specialized university. With a broad variety of international programmes and innovating research, the Tilburg Law School stands for high quality. Research at the Tilburg Law School is conducted in an organisation that fosters diversity. The Tilburg Graduate Law School is responsible for the training and guidance of its Research Master students and of the Faculty’s PhD researchers. With its open and inspiring atmosphere, this school is a congenial working environment.


Recruitment code

Tilburg University applies the recruitmentcode of the Dutch Association for Personnel Management & Organization Development (NVP).

The text of this vacancy advertisement is copyright-protected property of Tilburg University. Use, distribution and further disclosure of the advertisement without express permission from Tilburg University is not allowed, and this applies explicitly to use by recruitment and selection agencies which do not act directly on the instructions of Tilburg University. Responses resulting from recruitment by non-contractors of Tilburg Universities will not be handled.

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