2016 Summer Internship Program

Berkman Center for Internet & Society
January 5, 2016
Cambridge, MA
Job Type


Now accepting applications for the 2016 Summer Internship Program! 

We are looking forward to engaging a diverse group of students who are interested in studying -- and changing the world through -- the Internet and new technologies; who are driven, funny, and kind; and who would like to join our amazing community in Cambridge this summer for 10 weeks of shared research and exchange.

Visit the Berkman summer internship page to learn more about the program and to apply!

The application deadline for all students for summer 2016 is Friday, February 12, 2016 at 11:59 p.m. ET

About Berkman's Summer Internship Program:
Each summer the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University swings open the doors of our vibrant yellow house to welcome a group of talented and curious students as full-time interns - Berkterns! - who are passionate about the promise of the Internet. Finding connected and complementary research inquiries among their diverse backgrounds, students represent all levels of study, are being trained in disciplines across the board, and come from universities all over the world to tackle issues related to the core of Berkman’s research agenda. Summer interns jump head first into the swirl of the Berkman universe, where they are deeply and substantively involved in our research projects and efforts.

Becoming invaluable contributors to the Center’s operation and success, interns conduct collaborative and independent research under the guidance of Berkman staff, fellows, and faculty. Specific roles, tasks, and experiences vary depending on Center needs and interns' skills; a list of expected opportunities for Summer 2016 is on the Berkman summer internship page. Typically, the workload of each intern is primarily based under one project or suite of projects, with encouragement and flexibility to get involved in additional projects across the Center.

In addition to joining research teams, summer interns participate in special lectures with Berkman Center faculty and fellows, engage each other through community experiences like weekly interns discussion hours, and attend Center-wide events and gatherings with members of the wider Berkman community. As well, each year interns establish new channels for fun and learning, such as organizing debates; establishing reading groups and book clubs; producing podcasts and videos; and hosting potlucks, cook-offs, and BBQs (fortunately for us, people share).

The word "awesome" has been thrown around to describe our internships, but don't take our word for it.  Former intern Zachary McCune had this to say: "it has been an enchanting summer working at the berkman center for internet & society.  everyday, i get to hang out with some of the most brilliant people on the planet. we talk, we write (emails), we blog, we laugh, we play rock band. and when things need to get done, we stay late hyped on free coffee and leftover food. it is a distinct honor to be considered a peer among such excellent people. and i am not just talking about the fellows, staff, and faculty, though they are all outstanding. no, i mean my peers as in my fellow interns, who are almost definitely the ripening next generation of changemakers." 

Time Commitment:
Summer internships are full time positions (35 hours/week) for 10 weeks.
The Summer 2016 program will run from Monday, June 6 through Friday, August 12.

Interns are paid $11.50 an hour, with the exception of a number of opportunities for law students who are expected to receive some version of summer public interest funding (more about these specific cases at the link for law students).

No other benefits are provided, and interns must make their own housing, insurance and transportation arrangements.

Commitment to Diversity:
The work and well-being of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University are strengthened profoundly by the diversity of our network and our differences in background, culture, experience, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, and much more. We actively seek and welcome applications from people of color, women, the LGBTQIA community, and persons with disabilities, as well as applications from researchers and practitioners from across the spectrum of disciplines and methods.


  • -- Internships are open to students enrolled across the full spectrum of disciplines.
  • -- Internships are open to students at different levels of academic study including those in bachelor’s, master’s, law, and Ph.D programs.
  • -- Summer interns do not need to be U.S. residents or in school in the U.S.; indeed, we encourage international students to apply.
  • -- Summer interns do not need an existing affiliation with Harvard University. 
To Apply:
We know what you're thinking. Yes please. I want that. That sounds magical.  Did I mention that I have incredible dance moves?  Here's what you should do...
  • -- Law students: please find application instructions and important additional information here.
  • -- Students from disciplines other than law: please find more information and application instructions here.
The application deadline for all students for summer 2016 is Friday, February 12, 2016 at 11:59 p.m. ET.
About the Berkman Center for Internet & Society:
Founded in 1997, the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University is dedicated to exploring, understanding, and shaping the development of the digitally-networked environment. A diverse, interdisciplinary community of scholars, practitioners, technologists, policy experts, and advocates, we seek to tackle the most important challenges of the digital age while keeping a focus on tangible real-world impact in the public interest. Our faculty, fellows, staff and affiliates conduct research, build tools and platforms, educate others, form bridges and facilitate dialogue across and among diverse communities. More information atwww.cyber.law.harvard.edu.
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