Post-doctoral Research Fellow

The School of Law at the Singapore Management University
January 10, 2016
Singapore, Singapore
Job Type



  • -- An advanced degree in law (LLM or Master of Law) from a reputable university, preferably a PhD candidate and post doc
  • -- Fluency in English required
  • -- Inter-disciplinary research approach preferred
  • -- Focus on Asian and Comparative Intellectual Property Law preferred
  • -- Knowledge of a major Asian language will be considered but is not required


The appointment will be on a one-year term contract basis, with provisions for renewal for a further year subject to good performance and the needs of the School. Research support will be provided as well as a competitive salary commensurate with relevant qualifications, experience, track record and research potential. The Post-doctoral Research Fellow will be required to:

  • -- Be resident at SMU School of Law
  • -- Conduct research, write research reports and publish in both mainstream media and reputable journals.
  • -- Assist in the administration work of the centre or SMU, such as the organization of seminars and conferences or other events for SMU, and the update of the Centre’s website
  • -- Assist in the academic work of the Centre in general, with particular emphasis on projects related to trademark law, copyright law, and intellectual property transactions.


Interested applicants should submit a detailed curriculum vitae, a description of research interest, selected publications, a list of two referees with full contact information, and any other supporting documents to

The closing date for the receipt of applications and references is 31 January 2016.

All correspondence should be addressed to Professor Irene CALBOLI, Deputy Director, Applied Research Centre for Intellectual Assets and the Law in Asia. Email: (Please quote reference number in all correspondence: RF-PDF-ARCIALA-lawcv).

 Click here for more information. 

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