Media Law and Policy Job Openings


Attorney Advisor Full-time
Federal Communications Commission Washington, DC, United States Sep, 23
Attorney Advisor Full-time
National Foundation of the Arts and the Humanities Washington, D.C., United States Sep, 23
Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) Culver City, California Sep, 23
Legal search Associates, Inc. Chicago, United States Sep, 23
The Reporters Committee For Freedom of the Press Arlington, Virginia Sep, 23
Student Press Law Center Washington, D.C., United States Sep, 23
Legal Counsel Full-time
Wikimedia Foundation San Francisco, California Sep, 18
Forbes Media New York, United States Sep, 08
Open Technology Fund Washington, D.C., United States Aug, 27
Open Technology Institute Washington, D.C., United States Aug, 27
Open Technology Institute Washington, D.C., United States Aug, 27
The University of Richmond School of Law Richmond, Virginia Aug, 27
Public Citizen Litigation Group Washington, DC, United States Aug, 22
QUT Intellectual Property and Innovation Law Research Brisbane, Australia Aug, 13
Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC Elyria, Ohio Jul, 23
University of Antwerp Antwerpen, Belgium Jul, 10
The Center for Internet and Society, Stanford Law School Stanford, California Jul, 10
The Center for Internet and Society, Stanford Law School Stanford, California Jul, 10
The Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society Berlin, Germany Jun, 26
Federal Trade Commission Washington, DC, United States Jun, 26

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