The German Chancellor Fellowship for tomorrow’s leaders

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
March 19, 2018
Berlin, Germany
Job Type


The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation grants up to 50 German Chancellor Fellowships every year to prospective leaders from Brazil, China, India, Russia and the USA – irrespective of their field of work. Recipients use the fellowship to conduct together with their German host and mentor a socially-relevant project that they have developed themselves.

For more information, view this video.

Period of sponsorship: 1 October 2019 – 30 September 2020

Fellowship benefits

  • A monthly fellowship of €2,150, €2,450 or €2,750, depending on your qualifications
  • Individual mentoring during your stay in Germany
  • Additional financial support for items such as family members accompanying you, travel expenses or a German language course
  • A study tour of Germany, an opportunity to meet the German chancellor at the end of your stay and a number of events during which you can make contact with other fellows and representatives of German companies and institutions
  • Extensive alumni sponsorship, particularly to help you sustain contact with collaborative partners in Germany during your entire professional career

Application requirements

  • The applicant must be a national of Brazil, China, India, Russia or the United States.
  • Bachelor’s or equivalent academic degree completed less than twelve years before the beginning of the fellowship
  • A confirmation of supervision by the host in Germany
  • A project plan which candidates must draw up on their own and coordinate with their host.
  • Initial proven leadership experience


Further information, a list of all application requirements and a link to the online application form are available at

Advice and contact

If you have any questions regarding the German Chancellor Fellowship Programme or would like individual guidance, please contact us at
You can find examples of projects conducted at

The Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany is the patron of this fellowship programme.







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