Supreme Court Fellows Program

Supreme Court Fellows Commission
September 7, 2013
Washington, D.C., United States
Job Type


Each year, the Supreme Court Fellows Commission selects four talented individuals to engage for one year in the work of the Supreme Court of the United States, the Administrative Office of the United States Courts, the Federal Judicial Center, or the United States Sentencing Commission. The program provides fellows with practical exposure to judicial administration, policy development, and education. Through hands-on participation, fellows gain unique insight into the challenges of federal court management.

The Supreme Court Fellows Program has traditionally provided opportunities for mid-career professionals drawn from the fields of law and political science. This year, the Supreme Court Fellows Program will also offer those opportunities to recent law school graduates and doctoral degree recipients with exceptional records of achievement. We are especially interested in applicants who are completing a judicial clerkship and are interested in broadening their understanding of the judicial system through exposure to federal court administration. The fellowship experience will be especially valuable to people who are interested in pursuing an academic career or a career in public service. We have designed four different fellowship options to provide a range of career development experiences.

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