Research Fellowship at NYU Law

New York University - Law
June 14, 2011
New York, NY
Job Type


The Information Law Institute of NYU's Engelberg Center on Innovation Law and Policy is accepting applications for one or more one-year fellowships in the area of privacy law and policy to begin in Fall 2012.  The fellowship is open to law school graduates or PhDs in relevant  disciplines with excellent credentials.  Additional legal or policy experience is a plus, particularly if in a related field. While in residence at NYU School of Law, the fellow will be expected to devote time to joint projects, pursue his or her own privacy-related research agenda. and help with programming of topical events.

Joint research may be supervised by Florencia Marotta-Wurgler
(Professor of Law), Helen Nissenbaum (Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication), Katherine Strandburg (Professor of Law), or Ira Rubinstein (ILI Senior Fellow).  The fellow will have the opportunity to participate in Information Law Institute activities, including the multidisciplinary Privacy Research Group, to interact with other faculty associated with the ILI and Engelberg Center, and to take part in many other activities at NYU School of Law.  Further information about the ILI and our associated Privacy Research Group is available at

Applications for the fellowship should be sent by email to ILI
assistant Nicole Arzt,, and should include:  a cover letter, curriculum vitae, copies of or links to any relevant
publications, and the names and contact information of three
references.  We will begin reviewing applications on March 10 and continue until the position is filled.

The fellowship is made possible by a generous grant from Microsoft Corporation.

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