Research Assistant

Zeynep Tufecki (UNC)
March 10, 2014
Anywhere, United States
Job Type


I’m looking for an assistant who will help find, summarize and synthesize news items and academic literature pertaining to the interaction between new technologies, social movements and the public sphere. You must be able to interpret quantitative studies and be familiar with social theory in this area so this is best suited for a graduate student (or someone who recently graduated) who is interested in the topic. Part of your job will be to help me organize existing lists of literature (using Zotero). The studies and news in this field span across many fields and include communication, political science, sociology among others so an interdisciplinary outlook in life is just a fact of life.

You can be anywhere in the US (it’s harder to pay anyone overseas) and work according to your own hours. The job is (of course) paid but not highly-paid. The plan is to start with a two-week trial to be followed by monthly renewals and if it all works out, it should last at least until end of August (so summer!). The job can start as soon.

If interested please email me at zeynep at technosociology dot org and put ASSISTANT in the subject line.  Please write a brief paragraph to explain how you fit this job and why you’re interested and attach or link to your CV and something you’ve written. Feel free to share with interested parties! Thank you!

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