Microsoft Research Fellow

Berkeley Center for Law and Technology
December 23, 2013
Berkeley, CA
Job Type


Microsoft Research FellowRECRUITMENT PERIOD

Open Dec 17, 2013 through Jan 16, 2014

Job Description:
The Berkeley Center for Law & Technology (BCLT) is seeking to hire a Research Fellow for a one year term (possibly renewable for a second year), beginning in August 2014, to undertake independent research on intellectual property and other technology law issues under the supervision of BCLT faculty. Because the funding for this fellowship is being provided by Microsoft Corp., the Research Fellow hired will be known as the “Microsoft Research Fellow.”

BCLT is a research center at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law. For the past fourteen years, BCLT has been rated by US News & World Report as one of the top intellectual property programs in the country, in part because of the high quality, high impact research conducted by its faculty and students. BCLT’s research includes intellectual property, electronic commerce, telecommunications regulation, cyberlaw, privacy and other areas of law that are affected by new information technologies.

Primary Responsibilities:

•    research and writing of articles or reports of publishable quality on technology law issues, under the supervision of BCLT faculty
•    writing articles, white papers, and opinion pieces directed at audiences beyond academia
•    working with BCLT faculty and staff to organize workshops, conferences, talks, and meetings with lawyers, policymakers, and industry representatives
•    identifying and managing research projects with BCLT faculty
•    collaborating with JD, PhD students and faculty working on related projects
•    speaking at conferences and meetings, and to the press about the research

Examples of issues for research are: copyright modernization, patent law reform, international patent issues, rules for secondary liability of technology developers, anti-circumvention regulations, legal regulation of spam, spyware, malware and deceptive software, privacy and security issues, digital rights management, trusted computing, computer crimes and broadband policy.

Minimum/Basic Qualifications Required:
•    J.D. degree or equivalent, or relevant Ph.D. or equivalent in science and technology policy, by the application submission date
•    Previous research experience

Additional Qualifications:
•    Excellent communication, analytical and writing skills
•    Subject matter knowledge of technology law and policy
•    Interest in pursuing an academic career

References should be from persons who are familiar with the applicant’s written work and qualifications for the position. All letters will be treated as confidential per University of California policy. Please refer potential referees, including when letters are provided via a third party (i.e., dossier service or career center), to the UC Berkeley statement of confidentiality ( prior to submitting their letters.

Applicants should be prepared to begin work during the fall of 2014. For more information about BCLT visit our website at

Inquiries may be addressed to

The University of California is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer


More information about this recruitment:


Curriculum Vitae - Most Recently Updated Resume or CV in PDF format
Cover Letter - Cover Letter in PDF format
Statement of Research - Detailed Statement of Research Interests
Sample of Written Work
Relevant Transcipts

2 letters of reference required

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