Media Freedom & Information Access Clinic Fellow – Yale Information Society Project

Yale Law School
October 29, 2021
New Haven, Connecticut
Job Type


The Yale Information Society Project is now accepting applications for a fellowship position with the Media Freedom & Information Access Clinic (MFIA), beginning in July 2022. MFIA is a law student clinic that supports robust investigative journalism, promotes the public’s right of access to information, and protects freedom of expression.

The ideal candidate will have at least two years of relevant litigation experience, including some demonstrated interest in the fields of media law, First Amendment, FOIA, Internet law, administrative law, or intellectual property law.


About the Fellowship

MFIA seeks candidates for this position with at least two years of relevant experience who are interested in pursuing a career in litigation or public advocacy on issues surrounding digital-age free expression and government transparency. Previous Fellows have gone on to work in-house at media companies and law firm media practices, at non-governmental organizations, or as law school clinical professors.

The Fellow will work closely with the Clinic’s team of litigators, which currently includes Clinic Director David Schulz, another full-time Fellow, and two visiting clinical lecturer, Sandra Baron and Jennifer Borg. The fellowship provides the opportunity to gain hands-on experience litigating cutting edge issues, to supervise and teach law students, to work on legal scholarship, and to participate in the intellectual life of the Yale ISP. The duties of the Fellow include:

  • assuming overall responsibility for selected cases on the MFIA docket and supervising Yale Law School students in the Clinic;
  • assisting the Clinic’s intake process and shaping its docket;
  • teaching several substantive and skill-based classes to students as part of the Clinic’s weekly seminar;
  • supervising summer law student interns at the Clinic and covering Clinic cases during semester breaks;
  • coordinating the Access and Accountability Conference hosted each fall by MFIA and the Abrams Institute;
  • engaging in the scholarly activities of the ISP, which include regular academic lunches, workshops, conferences, and talks.

Fellows must live in the New Haven area during their fellowship. The fellowship starts on July 1 and lasts for one year, renewable for a second year. The salary for the fellowship will be $75,000. Fellows also receive Yale health benefits and access to university facilities, as well as a travel budget for academic and clinic conferences.


Application Instructions

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and must be submitted no later than January 17, 2022. Applications should include:

  • A statement of no more than three (3) pages describing the applicant’s interest in the fellowship, relevant practice experience, and career goals;
  • A copy of the applicant’s resume;
  • A law school transcript; and
  • At least one sample of recent legal writing, preferably a brief or memorandum.

***Please indicate clearly in your application materials that you are applying for the MFIA Fellowship***

Application materials should be sent (in electronic form) to Heather Branch at

For further information, please feel free to contact MFIA Clinic Director David Schulz at

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