Internships, Wireline Competition Bureau

Federal Communications Commission
November 23, 2015
Washington, DC, United States
Job Type


WCB – Competition Policy Division - Position 1 of 3

Our primary mission is to foster competition in the provision of telecommunications services through market-opening rulemaking and policy making proceedings that concern major non-pricing issues affecting wireline telecommunications service providers. We are also responsible for the implementation of non-pricing aspects of the local competition requirements of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (1996 Act).

Our division recommends rules and regulatory programs that address interconnection and unbundling requirements for Local Exchange Carriers (LECs), the unbundling of network features and functions useful to information service providers (ISPs), competition in the Interexchange Marketplace, the regulatory classification of carriers. Additionally, we are tasked with reviewing applications from wireline carriers for transfers of licenses and discontinuance of service.

Internship Period(s)
Fall, Winter/Spring & Summer Semesters.

Selection Criteria
Law students.

Send Application to
Michelle Sclater at

Application Information
Please include a cover letter, a resumé, and a writing sample.

Additional Information
Internships are unpaid.

Applications Deadline
Rolling basis.

WCB – Pricing Policy Division - Position 2 of 3

The Pricing Policy Division is responsible for the economic regulation of telecommunications carriers. For example, the Division develops competitive pricing policies and rules for the retail and wholesale interstate rates charged by carriers; the intercarrier compensation rates that carriers charge each other; and the rates for resale of local exchange services, unbundled network elements and interconnection that incumbent carriers charge competitive carriers. In addition, PPD is responsible for the review and regulation of carriers' tariffs.

This internship will provide interns with the opportunity to work with attorneys, economists and public utility specialists in the division. For more information about PPD, and our recent proceedings, please visit

Internship Period(s)
Fall, Spring and Summer Semesters.

General Duties
Interns will have the opportunity to conduct legal research, draft documents and attend internal and external meetings.

Selection Criteria
Law students.

Send Application to
Marvin Sacks at, or Fax to 202-418-1567.

Application Information
-- Please send your résumé and a cover letter explaining your interest in telecommunications regulation.
-- Please include in your cover letter the semester for which you are applying.

Additional Information
Openings are for unpaid legal internships. Academic credit may be available for internships (please check with your school).

Applications Deadline
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.

WCB – Telecommunications Access Policy Division - Position 3 of 3

TAPD is a division within the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau. We administer a comprehensive policy for Commission oversight over funds used to support universal service. The purpose of the Universal Service Fund is to ensure that consumers in all regions of the Nation have access to quality telecommunications and information services at affordable rates. We also issue and recommend interpretations of the FCC’s Jurisdictional Separations procedures and coordinate with the FCC’s Pricing Policy Division on Access Charges.

Internship Period(s)
Fall, Spring & Summer Semesters.

General Duties
Interns will have the opportunity to engage in legal research and writing in conjunction with several major rulemakings and adjudicatory proceedings.

Selection Criteria
Law students.

Send Application to
James Bachtell at, or Fax to 202-418-7361.

Application Information
Cover letter, resumé, writing sample and unofficial transcript.

Additional Information
Openings are for unpaid legal internships. Academic credit may be available for internships (please check with your school). Please include in your cover letter the term for which you are applying (i.e., Spring or Summer). For more information please call 202-418-7400.

Applications Deadline
Rolling basis.

Click here for more information.

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