Internships, Office of Legislative Affairs

Federal Communications Commission
November 23, 2015
Washington, DC, United States
Job Type


Office of Legislative Affairs

Internship Period(s)
Throughout the year.

General Duties
-- Conduct research, analyze and prepare correspondences on various issues. Gather and compile information to prepare briefing books, reports and other material as necessary.

-- Create and maintain various Excel and Word reports. Support the Congressional staff,

-- Legal Advisors and Legislative team with data entry-level projects.

Selection Criteria
Candidates should have a strong academic record, an interest in communications law, and a desire to explore public service. Candidates must be returning to school for the fall semester to be eligible.

Send Application to
Tim Strachan at, or by mail to: Tim Strachan, Office of Legislative Affairs Internship Program, 445 12th Street, SW, Washington, D.C. 20554, or by Fax to: 202-418-2806.

Please direct any questions or concerns to Tim Strachan.

Application Information
Cover letter, resumé, unofficial transcript and writing sample.

Additional Information
This is a non paid intern position.

Application Deadline
Rolling basis.

Click here for information. 

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