Internships, Office of Engineering and Technology

Federal Communications Commission
November 23, 2015
Washington, DC, United States
Job Type


The Office of Engineering and Technology, Policy and Rules Division provides the Commission advice on technical and policy issues pertaining to spectrum allocation and use; prepares and coordinates Commission rulemaking items and public notices of inquiry pertaining to changes in the U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations; administers and formulates rules and general policies for Part 2 of the Rules and related frequency allocation activities; and administers and formulates rules, technical standards, and general policies for Parts 15 and 18 of the Rules. The Division also reviews proposed rule changes and Commission agenda items pertaining to technical aspects of Commission functions and provides FCC representation and interagency coordination by participating in the work of national/international committees, technical bodies, and government agencies.

Internship Period(s)
Rolling basis.

General Duties
Legal interns will work with attorneys, engineers and economists on a wide variety of issues relating to spectrum use and new technologies. Working within the Office’s Policy and Rules Division, interns will perform legal research and assist in the preparation of legal memoranda and related Commission documents. OET’s interns typically leave with at least one quality writing sample and valuable exposure to the administrative rule process. A technical engineering background is not required for this internship.

Selection Criteria
First- second- and third-year law students with strong analytical, research, and writing skills are encouraged to apply. Students must be enrolled at least half-time to be considered.

Send Application to
Jamison Prime, Policy and Rules Division, Office of Engineering and Technology at

Application Information
Cover letter, resumé, and a brief writing sample are required.

Additional Information
Openings are for unpaid volunteer internships. The Division has considerable flexibility in structuring the duration and work schedule of the internship, but typically can only host one intern at a given time.

Application Deadline
Applications are accepted until the position is filled.

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