Internships, International Bureau – Policy Division

Federal Communications Commission
November 23, 2015
Washington, DC, United States
Job Type


The Policy Division conducts international spectrum rulemakings, develops international telecommunications policy, licenses international telecommunications facilities, including submarine cables and provides expertise on foreign ownership issues. The Division’s focus in developing international telecommunications policy is to achieve low calling rates for U.S. consumers and to facilitate competition in the provision of international services. In performing its functions, the Division coordinates with, provides guidance to, and shares its expertise within the FCC and with other U.S. agencies.

Internship Periods
Fall, Spring and Summer Semesters. Fall and Spring Semesters have full-time and part-time positions available. For Summer Semesters interns are expected to work full-time. 

General Duties
Intern duties may include, but are not limited to: conduct research on topics of communications and administrative law, review comments in proceedings, attend meetings, and draft Division documents. 

Selection Criteria
Students must be enrolled in law school. Looking for applicants interested in telecommunications law and with strong analytical, research, and writing skills. 

Application Information
Resumé, cover letter (include the date you can start), and writing sample.

Send Application to
Veronica Garcia-Ulloa at Please reference "IB Policy Legal Internship" in the subject line of the e-mail.

Additional Information
Openings are for unpaid volunteer internships. 

Application Deadlines

Fall: August 10 
Spring: November 10 
Summer: February 10

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