Internships, Enforcement Bureau

Federal Communications Commission
November 23, 2015
Washington, DC, United States
Job Type


The Enforcement Bureau is the primary FCC unit that enforces the Communications Act and the Commission's rules and orders. The Bureau investigates and responds to potential unlawful conduct to ensure: (1) consumer protection in an era of complex communications; (2) a level playing field to promote robust competition; (3) efficient and responsible use of the public airwaves; and (4) strict compliance with public safety-related rules. The Bureau's work is both varied and cutting edge and often involves intra- and interagency cooperation and collaboration.

Expected Activities:
Students will work closely with senior management to carry out the Bureau's priorities and should expect to do a significant amount of legal research, analysis, and writing. Students will receive ample feedback in a supportive, collegial environment.

Internship Requirements:
Summer interns will be expected to work 40 hours per week for at least 8 weeks. Students applying during the school year will be expected to work at least 16 hours per week, although full-time candidates are preferred.

Additional Information:
Openings are for unpaid internships. Candidates may qualify for academic credit.

Learning Opportunities During Summer Terms:
During the summer, interns participate in additional learning opportunities both within the Bureau and Commission-wide. The Commission offers a brown bag lunch series where experts informally discuss their areas of legal or technical expertise. Students are also encouraged to attend the numerous seminars, presentations, and meet-and-greets conducted around the Commission.

Skills and qualifications:
Candidates should be law students who possess excellent legal research, writing, and analytical skills. Candidates should have an interest in communications and enforcement issues, intellectual curiosity, a positive and team-oriented attitude, and great initiative.

Application materials:
Each applicant must submit a cover letter describing his or her background and interest in the Bureau's work, a resume, a transcript, and a writing sample.

Send Application to:
Susan Beckham at or by mail to: Susan Beckham, Enforcement Bureau, FCC, 445 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20554.

Application Deadline:
The Bureau accepts applications on an ongoing basis.

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