Hixon-Riggs Early Career Fellowship in Science and Technology Studies – Harvey Mudd College

Harvey Mudd College
November 6, 2019
Claremont, California
Job Type



Harvey Mudd College (Claremont, California) invites applications for the Hixon-Riggs Early Career Fellowship in Science and Technology Studies, beginning fall 2020. Applications are invited from scholars working on the social, political, and ethical dimensions of computing, data science, and/or the internet. Topics of interest include artificial intelligence, algorithmic bias, data visualization, security, surveillance, and social media. We seek applicants whose research methods draw from fields that can include, but are not limited to anthropology, art, communication, economics, environmental studies, geography, history, literature, media studies, philosophy, and sociology.

This 1 to 2-year early-career fellowship balances teaching and research. The fellow will teach two undergraduate courses per academic year, and will be encouraged to take advantage of the resources available to support teaching development at the Claremont Colleges. While pursuing their own independent research, we expect the fellow to act as a catalyst for conversations among faculty and students. The fellow will work with the Hixon-Riggs director to lead a faculty reading group in the first year, and to organize and host a workshop or conference
in the second year. The annual salary for the position is $65000 and includes health benefits. In addition, the fellow will receive a professional allowance of $3000 per year to support travel and research. Second-year renewal is contingent upon successful
performance in the first year.


The successful candidate will have a PhD by the time of appointment, a strong and ongoing research program, and the potential for excellence in teaching.

Application Info:

Preference will be given to applications received by Nov. 30, 2019. Applicants are asked to submit: a letter of application, a CV, a research statement, a writing sample, a teaching portfolio including testimony of effective teaching and a statement of teaching philosophy, two sample syllabi for proposed courses, a statement regarding commitment to diversity and inclusion, and three letters of recommendation.


Interested applicants can view the posting here.

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