Director – Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy

Harvard Kennedy School
August 18, 2015
Cambridge, MA
Job Type


The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government (HKS) is dedicated to exploring and illuminating the intersection of media, politics and public policy in theory and practice. HKS is looking for an extraordinary individual to serve as Director and to lead the Center into its next phase. At a time when all forms of media — television, radio, print and digital platforms — are facing unprecedented change, the new director will actively explore the challenges and opportunities these changes present and will guide the Center to actively debate solutions.

The Director of the Shorenstein Center will:

-- provide strategic direction for the Center, including its intellectual activities, programming, outreach, websites and social media platforms, including “Journalist’s Resource”;
-- create an environment conducive to intellectual and research development, including cutting-edge collaborative and interdisciplinary research at the intersection of media, politics, and policy;
-- teach at least one class in the Democratic Politics & Institutions (DPI) area at HKS and participate in the ongoing development of the curriculum and the education of HKS students;
run the Center’s Visiting Fellows Program, which includes initial recruitment and selection, and overseeing the research, writing and activities of 6-8 Fellows each year through weekly research meetings, individual meetings and other events;
-- provide strategic direction to fundraising activities and act as the key liaison to donors, prospects, foundations, and individual advisory board members. The director will actively engage in raising new funds;
design and host all public events, including weekly brown bag lunches, endowed lectures in the Forum, conferences, seminars, luncheons, dinners, receptions, and other events in Cambridge and elsewhere – which includes setting the tone for the event, delivering opening remarks, moderating discussions, and managing audience questions;
-- lead the selection process and committee work for signature prizes including the Goldsmith Book Prizes, Goldsmith Investigative Reporting Prize, and the Nyhan Prize for Political Journalism;
develop programs that will increase the participation of students in Center research and activities;
create linkages with related academic departments and individual scholars.

The Director is responsible for providing administrative leadership, which includes:

-- leading strategic planning for the Center, aligned with the school’s objectives;
working effectively with the School’s administration and the Center’s advisory board;
-- managing the research plan, ensuring that accepted standards of research and ethical behavior are met;
-- enhancing the reputation of the Center and the University by fostering and disseminating quality research; and supervising and managing the staff of the Center, together with the Center’s Executive Director

Basic Qualifications

Bachelor’s degree; 10+ years of experience in journalism, public communication, digital communications or other media. 8+ years of management experience broadly defined, preferably in academic, public or nonprofit setting.

Additional Qualifications

-- Deep understanding of current trends and challenges in the rapidly evolving ways in which the public gets – and produces – news.
-- Graduate or professional degree in a relevant field (Ph.D. or M.A. in communications, political science, journalism).
-- Strong initiative, personal commitment and prior experience as an effective supervisor and leader.
-- Excellent writing and public speaking skills; strong personal skills and a capacity to work with faculty, a wide range of administrative staff, and students, as well as alumnae and professionals in the media, politics, and policy communities.
-- Experience teaching at the college or graduate level with strong evaluations.
-- Proven record of success in fundraising.
-- Knowledge of new technologies and active presence on social media.
-- Understanding of and interest in international media trends and issues.
-- Strong, established professional network.

Additional Information: Cover letter of no more than two pages required, to address the following issues:

1. In your view, what are the most important challenges currently facing media?
2. In light of the seismic changes fostered by new information and communication technologies, what is the role of and (prospects for) journalism and traditional journalistic values in contributing to informed public and healthy democracies?
3. What role should the Shorenstein center play in addressing these issues?
4. How does your individual background and experience fit with the roles of the Director
5. Please describe your experience and familiarity with both legacy and new media. E.g. If your background is in traditional print journalism, please address your experience with and knowledge of digital media; if your background is in digital media, please address your experience with and knowledge of legacy print journalism.

EEO Statement: We are an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, gender identity, sexual orientation or any other characteristic protected by law.

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