Data Privacy and Communications Associate – Junior-level

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP.
May 25, 2016
Washington, D.C., United States
Job Type


he Washington DC office of Davis Wright Tremaine LLP is seeking a junior level associate to join its Data Privacy and Communications Practice Group. Candidates must have at least three years of law firm experience, preferably at an AmLaw 200 law firm, and be an active, in good standing member of the Washington DC Bar.  Excellent academic credentials and strong analytical and writing skills are required.  Prior experience with data privacy and communications law is highly preferred, but not required. IAPP certification is a plus.

Among other duties, this position may include: (i) researching legal principles and precedents; (ii) drafting and negotiating data use agreements and various non-disclosure agreements; (iii) drafting and reviewing data privacy policies, including data privacy policies for websites and mobile apps; (iv) assisting with responses to privacy and information security incidents; (v) assisting with responses to regulatory complaints and investigations, and related matters; and (vi) providing general data privacy counsel to clients.

To apply upload a cover letter addressed to Kathleen Shaw, Lateral Attorney Recruitment Manager; resume; copy of law school transcript; and a brief writing sample.

Click here for more information.

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