Communications Fellow – Information Society Project, Yale Law

Information Society Project at Yale University
January 3, 2019
New Haven, Connecticut
Job Type



The Information Society Project (ISP) at Yale Law School now seeks applications for a Communications Fellow.

The Communications Fellow will develop, promote and maintain a professional public image for the ISP and its initiatives, especially the Abrams Institute and MFIA; and facilitate the communications of a national network of law school accountability clinics. This position will require facility with researching issues at the intersection of law and technology and translating scholarly legal arguments or case developments into popularly accessible white papers, op-eds, blog posts, press releases, and funder proposals and reports. This will be an ideal position for a postgraduate or postdoctoral individual with an interest in issues relating to freedoms of the speech and press or the impacts of new technology on freedom of expression and who would like to develop relationships with a network of scholars, practitioners, and policymakers.

Responsibilities may include:

Work with the ISP Executive Director and MIFA Director to manage ISP/Abrams/MFIA content

  • Draft press releases highlighting organizational successes
  • Draft and edit blog posts for MFIA’s blog, Case Disclosed
  • Assist with editing other fellow’s white papers, op-eds, and blog posts
  • Create online and physical promotional materials for events

Raise awareness about the ISP and its initiatives

  • Create a weekly online ISP newsletter of upcoming events, recent publications, and announcements and a quarterly MFIA newsletter
  • Manage websites to ensure content is updated and accurate
  • Manage content on ISP and MFIA social media accounts and listservs
  • Draft donor-specific reports and communications
  • Answer general inquiry emails and phone calls

Oversee communications with key constituencies

  • Track activities and maintain a database of MFIA and ISP statistics
  • Facilitate communications for a national network of laws school accountability clinics, in coordination with the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press;
  • Maintain communications with MFIA and ISP alumni, including managing an alumni database
  • Draft beginning-of-the-year promotion of new ISP fellows
  • Create an end-of-the-year ISP Accomplishment book

This posting is for a two-year position, subject to mutually-agreed-upon extension. Salary is commensurate with experience and includes generous Yale benefits.


This position requires full-time residence in the New Haven region. Candidates must be a college graduate and have communications and organizational expertise. Candidates will ideally have experience working with media or legal organizations.

Application Info:

Application materials should include the following:

  • A cover letter describing qualifications, with an emphasis on relevant experience
  • A curriculum vitae
  • A one-page statement of the candidate’s particular interest in law, media, and technology issues and policy, or other subjects associated with the ISP’s research areas
  • College and post-grad transcripts (if applicable)
  • Two or three examples of relevant work, in English
  • Two letters of recommendation


We welcome applications immediately and will consider them on a rolling basis until the position is filled. The ideal start date would be January 1, 2019, although later dates may also be possible. Questions and applications should be sent to Ann-Marie Cooper ( Please indicate clearly that the application is for the Communications Coordinator position.The job posting can be viewed here.


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