California DOJ – Privacy Unit Attorney

California Department of Justice
March 2, 2016
San Francisco, CA
Job Type


The Privacy Enforcement and Protection Unit of the Consumer Law Section protects the privacy of Californians through the enforcement of state and federal privacy laws. Work handled by the section encompasses a broad range of privacy issues including data collection, use and storage, data breach, and internet and healthcare privacy. The unit also serves as a clearinghouse for privacy issues within the Department, and it supports education and outreach on privacy issues.

Under the general supervision of the Supervising Deputy Attorney General, the Deputy Attorney General will perform a variety of complex legal duties. Typical duties include: litigating at the trial and appellate levels in state and federal courts; conducting in-depth investigations and other research; negotiating and drafting settlement and restitution plans; working with district attorneys throughout California, and with attorneys general in other states in joint investigations and actions; working with state and federal agencies in investigations and consumer protection projects, and drafting consumer education pieces.

A fingerprint check will be required.

Individuals who are new to State service must have list eligibility in order to gain employment with the California Office of the Attorney General.  The process is described at

Completed applications and all required documents must be received or postmarked by the Final Filing Date in order to be considered.

Final Filing Date: 3/10/2016

Who May Apply

Individuals who are currently in the classification, eligible for lateral transfer, eligible for reinstatement, eligible for a Training and Development assignment, have SROA and/or Surplus eligibility, or have list eligibility (or are in the process of obtaining list eligibility). SROA and Surplus candidates may attach “surplus letters” to their applications. Applicants must meet the Minimum Qualifications stated in the Classification Specification(s). Applications will be screened and only the most qualified applicants will be selected for an interview.

How To Apply

Completed Examination/Employment Application (STD 678) and applicable or required documents must be submitted to apply for this Job Posting. A completed copy of the Application Packet listing must be included, when submitting your application in hard copy.

Address for Mailing Application Packages: 

You may mail your application and any applicable or required documents to:

Cheryl Fairman
Office of the Attorney General/Public Rights Division
1300 I Street, 10th Floor
Sacramento  CA, 95814
Required Application Documents

Please submit the following items with your application. Applicants who do not submit the required items timely may not be considered for this job:

-- State Examination/Employment Application STD Form 678. A resume may be attached if desired. All Experience and Education relating to the Minimum Qualifications listed on the Classification Specification should be included to demonstrate you meet the Minimum Qualifications for the position.
-- Cover letter
-- Resume
-- Writing sample

Applicants requiring reasonable accommodations for the hiring interview process must request the necessary accommodations if scheduled for a hiring interview. The request should be made at the time of contact to schedule the interview. Questions regarding reasonable accommodations may be directed to the EEO contact listed on this job posting.

Desirable Qualifications

In addition to evaluating each candidate's relative ability, as demonstrated by quality and breadth of experience, the following factors will provide the basis for competitively evaluating each candidate:

Knowledge and experience in complex litigation and investigations and in the use of California's consumer protection and privacy laws. Incumbents should have excellent oral and written skills; be able to work effectively and calmly under pressure; be creative and resourceful problem solvers; exercise exceptional judgment when interacting with staff, stakeholders, and consumers; possess initiative; have experience with complex and multi-jurisdictional investigations and litigation; have familiarity with the use of litigation technology; and show strong organizational skills.

Click here for more information. 

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