Date(s) - 03/04/2016
12:00 pm - 1:15 pm
Halls of Fame Room

On Friday, March 4 at noon in the Halls of Fame Room in Carroll Hall, the UNC Center for Media Law and Policy will host an interdisciplinary lunch open to faculty and graduate students from across the UNC system. UNC Political Science Professor Kevin McGuire will address Scalia’s legacy and the highly partisan discussion surrounding Scalia’s replacement on the Court. Professor McGuire teaches courses on the U.S. Supreme Court and American constitutional law. His current research interests include the psychological influences on the justices’ decisions, content analysis of the Court’s written opinions, measuring the ideology of the Court’s case outcomes over time, and compliance with judicial policy. For the 2015-2016 year, he is serving as Chair of the Organized Section on Law and Courts of the American Political Science Association.
A free lunch will be served to all who register below by Wednesday, March 2.
Professor McGuire’s Recent Publications:
- “Birth Order, Preferences, and Norms on the U.S. Supreme Court.” 2015. Law & Society Review 49:945-972.
- “The Psychological Origins of a Constitutional Revolution: The Supreme Court, Birth Order, and Nationalizing the Bill of Rights.” 2013. Political Research Quarterly 66:441-453.
- New Directions in Judicial Politics, ed. 2012. New York: Routledge.
- “Measuring Policy Content on the U.S. Supreme Court.” 2009. With Georg Vanberg, Charles E. Smith, Jr., and Gregory A. Caldeira. Journal of Politics 71:1305-1321.
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Website RSVP are closed for this event. Please email to inquire about RSVPing.
Tagged: Free Speech, Interdisciplinary Lunch Series, Scholarship
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