Fellow, First Amendment Clinic – Duke University

Duke University
July 2, 2019
Durham, North Carolina
Job Type



Duke Law School seeks applicants for a one-year fellowship to participate in the work of the First Amendment Clinic at Duke Law.  The Clinic, which began operations in August 2019, focuses on the freedoms of speech, press and assembly.  It provides live-client counseling and advice, represents clients in litigation, files amicus briefs, and develops and presents positions on pending legislation and other government actions that affect First Amendment interests.  Current and recent clients include litigants with First Amendment claims in North Carolina, South Carolina and Illinois, as well as journalists seeking access to matters of public interest, and individuals seeking guidance on speaking openly and publicly about their stories of sexual harassment while shielding against defamation concerns.  The Clinic also sponsors Duke Law’s Campus Speech Database, https://campus-speech.law.duke.edu/.  When fully developed the Database will be a comprehensive repository of information about controversies and litigation over matters related to freedom of speech on university and college campuses. 

The First Amendment Fellow will work with the Clinic’s Director and Lecturing Fellow in managing the Clinic’s activities and supervising the work of its students.  The Fellow will be actively involved in case development, litigation, programming non-litigation activities, and developing the Campus Speech database.  The First Amendment Fellow will have the opportunity to serve as a mentor to the Clinic’s student-participants while developing his or her own professional skills and expertise in First Amendment law.  


The First Amendment Fellowship is a full-time position with an expected one-year appointment.  The position comes with a competitive salary and benefits.  Applicants must have a J.D. degree, and have been admitted to a state bar.  They should also have relevant practice experience of at least two years, with a preference for candidates who have strong litigation backgrounds and skills.  Applications should include a statement of interest, a resume, and names and contact information for three references.


Interested applicants can view the posting here.

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