Program Director – Master of Intellectual Property Management and Markets

Chicago-Kent College of Law
April 12, 2012
Chicago, IL
Job Type


Job title:  Academic Program Director, Master of Intellectual Property Management and Markets
Position reports to:  Dean, Chicago-Kent College of Law
Job description:  The Academic Program Director is a full-time  academic administrator of the Master of Intellectual Property Management and Markets Program (“the Program”) at the Illinois Institute of Technology.  The program is interdisciplinary in nature, combining finance, design, computer science and law, and leads to an IIT master’s degree.

Duties and responsibilities include:
•Developing, reviewing and recommending plans for the Program
•Planning course offerings for the Program
•Recruiting, hiring and supervising faculty for the Program
•Marketing the program to prospective students and other constituents
•Recruiting new students; managing the Admissions’ process
•Preparing budget advice and requests; allocating the Program’s financial resources
•Representing the needs and interests of the Program within the University
•Teaching, as needed, in the Program
•Advising students; providing career services
•Serving as outreach to the IP community, soliciting support for the Program and the students
•Coordinating all administrative aspects of the Program

Must possess: strong academic leadership skills; broad understanding of IP management and the IP community; vision and creativity with respect to Program design, standards and development; strong organization skills; excellent interpersonal skills, including the ability to coalesce diverse constituents around a common purpose.

If interested, please send CV and cover letter to Ms. Tasha Kincade,

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