One-Year Fellow / Visiting Assistant Professor at Seton Hall Law

The Seton Hall Law Gibbons Institute of Law, Science & Technology
February 21, 2017
Newark, New Jersey
Job Type


The Seton Hall Law Gibbons Institute of Law, Science & Technology is looking for a one-year Fellow / Visiting Assistant Professor (VAP) at Seton Hall Law to help cover IP and cyberlaw courses and to assist in the administration of the Gibbons Institute of Law, Science & Technology. 

Subject matter in IP is somewhat flexible, but we will definitely need someone who can cover some Internet law courses.  Work with our Gibbons Institute will involve helping plan and execute IP-related programs for academia and the bench and bar.  The Fellow / VAP will also have an opportunity to work on his or her own research and to participate in faculty colloquia and other research-related activities.  At this time the position is only for one year, although renewal for an additional year might be possible.

If you are interested in applying, please send a c.v. and cover letter to Prof. Gaia Bernstein at and Prof. David W. Opderbeck at

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